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Phylum Arthropoda --> Tracheata --> Hexapoda --> Class Insects --> S.Class Pterygota --> Superord. Dictyoptera --> Ord. Mantis --> Fam. Mantidae -->


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Gen. Catoxyopsis (Add)
Catoxyopsis dubiosa (Add)
Gen. Lobocneme (Add)
Lobocneme colombiae (Add)
Lobocneme lobipes (Add)
Gen. Oxyopsis (Add)
Oxyopsis acutipennis (Add)
Oxyopsis festae (Add)
Oxyopsis gracilis (Add)
Oxyopsis lobeter (Add)
Oxyopsis media (Add)
Oxyopsis obtusa (Add)
Oxyopsis oculea (Add)
Oxyopsis peruviana (Add)
Oxyopsis rubicunda (Add)
Oxyopsis saussurei (Add)
Oxyopsis stali (Add)
Gen. Parastagmatoptera (Add)
Parastagmatoptera abnormis (Add)
Parastagmatoptera amazonica (Add)
Parastagmatoptera concolor (Add)
Parastagmatoptera confusa (Add)
Parastagmatoptera flavoguttata (Add)
Parastagmatoptera glauca (Add)
Parastagmatoptera hoorie (Add)
Parastagmatoptera immaculata (Add)
Parastagmatoptera pellucida (Add)
Parastagmatoptera serricornis (Add)
Parastagmatoptera simulacrum (Add)
Parastagmatoptera tessellata (Add)
Parastagmatoptera unipunctata (Add)
Parastagmatoptera vitreola (Add)
Parastagmatoptera vitrepennis (Add)
Parastagmatoptera zernyi (Add)
Gen. Paroxyopsis (Add)
Paroxyopsis icterica (Add)
Gen. Pseudoxyops (Add)
Pseudoxyops boliviana (Add)
Pseudoxyops borellii (Add)
Pseudoxyops diluta (Add)
Pseudoxyops minuta (Add)
Pseudoxyops perpulchra (Add)
Gen. Stagmatoptera (Add)
Stagmatoptera abdominalis (Add)
Stagmatoptera binotata (Add)
Stagmatoptera biocellata (Add)
Stagmatoptera femoralis (Add)
Stagmatoptera flavipennis (Add)
Stagmatoptera hyaloptera (Add)
Stagmatoptera luna (Add)
Stagmatoptera nova (Add)
Stagmatoptera pia (Add)
Stagmatoptera praecaria (Add)
Stagmatoptera reimoseri (Add)
Stagmatoptera septentrionalis (Add)
Stagmatoptera supplicaria (Add)
Stagmatoptera vischeri (Add)

Most of the taxonomic data has been found on Wikispecies and it is therefore available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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